The American Airmen Who Struck the Heart of Hitler's Reich
by Robert F. Dorr
Mission to Berlin takes the reader on a World War II strategic bombing mission from the airfields of England to Berlin and back. Told largely in the veterans’ own words, this edge-of-your-seat book covers all the key players in a long-range bombing run, including pilots and other aircrew, ground crew, and the escort fighters that accompanied the heavy bombers on their perilous missions. As they fought their way across battle-torn Europe, hoping to beat the odds and survive the maximum thirty-five combat missions, these American heroes often thought, “I hope we get Hitler today.” Learn More
The World War II Bombing Campaigns over Europe
by John R. Bruning
The first comprehensive illustrated history of military history’s deadliest combat innovations, Bombs Away! covers the massive strategic aerial bombardment in Europe between 1939 and 1945. From the American (U.S. Army Air Forces) and British (RAF Bomber Command) aerial campaigns against Germany to the German use of strategic bombing during the conquest of Europe and the Battle of Britain, author and military historian John R. Bruning pays tribute to the fighters and bombers and the men who flew and maintained them through hundreds of rare photographs, dozens of them in color, and a detailed text that follows the evolving air war. Learn More

Bomber Pilot
by Starr Smith
Jimmy Stewart never made a World War II movie; he once said that Hollywood war pictures never seemed to show things the way they happened. The only WWII role Jimmy Stewart embraced was that of a bomber pilot in real-time battle. Available in an affordable paperback for the first time, Jimmy Stewart: Bomber Pilot by Starr Smith, with foreword by Walter Cronkite, recounts Stewart’s WWII role as it really happened. It also recounts a time when wealth and fame weren’t the most important things to Hollywood stars—when acting took a backseat to patriotism and words were backed by action. Learn More
Jimmy Stewart never made a World War II movie; he once said that Hollywood war pictures never seemed to show things the way they happened. The only WWII role Jimmy Stewart embraced was that of a bomber pilot in real-time battle. Available in an affordable paperback for the first time, Jimmy Stewart: Bomber Pilot by Starr Smith, with foreword by Walter Cronkite, recounts Stewart’s WWII role as it really happened. It also recounts a time when wealth and fame weren’t the most important things to Hollywood stars—when acting took a backseat to patriotism and words were backed by action. Learn More

An Illustrated History of the Battle of Britain
by Stephan Bungay
To commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, this classic work has been transformed into a new, large-format, fully illustrated edition. With over 150 photographs (including rare color photos), full color maps, and diagrams, and numerous sidebar features, it brings this dramatic story to life in a fresh and exciting way. Archival photographs of the planes, pilots, and key military leaders, many of which have never before been published, are accompanied by fascinating three-dimensional diagrams illustrating dogfights and battle tactics on both sides. Learn More

The Untold Story of the American Fliers Who Savaged Hitler's Wehrmacht
by Thomas D. Jones & Robert F. Dorr
Formed and activated in 1943, the 365th Fighter Group has a legacy unlike any other group of aviators to take to the skies during World War II. Known as the “Hell Hawks,” most of the group’s young pilots were barely twenty years old and fresh from flight training in the United States when they risked all amidst the clouds over Europe. In the tradition of Flyboys and Flying Tigers, Hell Hawks! is the story of the band of young American fighter pilots, and their gritty, close-quarters fight against Hitlers vaunted military. Equal parts detailed historical record and edge-of-your-seat adventure novel, this book is the all-to-real account of bravery and sacrifice in the air above the European battlefields of World War II. Learn More
World War II Through the Eyes of Four of the Luftwaffe's Most Important Commanders
by Colin B. Heaton & Anne-Marie Lewis
Of all of the Luftwaffe’s fighter aces, the stories of Walter Krupinski, Adolf Galland, Eduard Neumann, and Wolfgang Falck shine particularly bright. For the first time in any book, these four prominent and influential Luftwaffe fighter pilots reminisce candidly about their service in World War II in The German Aces Speak. Although all were decorated by the Third Reich for their exemplary performance, this is not to say they followed the Nazi Party without question—indeed, none of them were card-carrying National Socialists. Between their duty to serve their country in war and the erratic and immoral leadership of Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring, these men elected to follow their own code of honor in combat. Although true to their oaths as German warriors, in the end they felt they and their countrymen had been betrayed by Hitler and the Nazis. Learn More

by John Dibbs
The Second World War spurred tense focus among industries of the world's powers. In the short span of six years, military aircraft developed from open-cockpit biplanes to fighters that soared to 40,000 feet and toyed with the sound barrier. Represented in this spendid volume are images of the war's 20 greatest aircraft - from the legendary Mustang, Spitfire, Flying Fortress, and Mitsubishi Zero, to lesser-known but equally awe-inspiring warbirds like the Mosquito, Blenheim, and Kingcobra. The award-winning air-to-air photography of John Dibbs captures immaculately restored aircraft and is complemented by a selection of archival, frontline images illustrating the true spirit and humanity of these Flying Legends. John M. Dibbs spent his childhood near old RAF Command Airfields. His natural interest in aviation has led to a diverse portfolio, and this collection represents his favorite images of World War II aircraft. Learn More